

  • NO - your belly would have gone down alot anyways. That is what normally happens after childbirth. At the most you only sped up the normal process. You may have sped up the reduction of swelling, like putting a tensor bandage on a sprained ankle, but it is a normal process that would have happened any way. Sorry... Check…
  • - You have such a good start! 27 lbs! Don't quit now! - It is quite likely that if you stop now you will gain back more than you just lost because new habits have not been formed. -You also have not had the opportunity to see what normal/healthy really looks like for you. Do you really want to start all over again the next…
  • Sounds like you might have a genuine medical problem--it is called anhidrosis. You should probably talk to your physician about it. For you plastic wrap may be particularily dangerous because the little sweating that you do is not allowed to evaporate and cool you down. Sweating alone isn't what cools us--it is its…
  • Thanks for giving us all some fun today... some items, like plastic wrap and bodies, just beg for humor. We are laughing with you not at you. We have all been guilty of hoping for similar quick fixes where our weight is concerned. Anyone remember the watermellon diet? I am glad to hear that you are not someone who is…
  • Hold on folks, don't be too hasty to wrap up this wrap! :bigsmile: In the 1970's a book called "The Total Woman" by Marabel Morgan recommended that we please our men by greeting them at the door wrapped in nothing but Saran Wrap (note the product placement). You young ones might assume that this was some kind of sex…