

  • Eating healthy is VERY important obviously, but as for weight loss it really is not a factor. Having a consistent daily calorie deficit is...for months. Maybe even years depending on how overweight you start off at. I've lost 42 lbs since my highest weight (from a BMI of 28.3 to my current BMI of 19.9) and I did it doing…
  • Try full fat fage greek. Just with some honey or blueberry preserves. It's definitely a dessert, not a healthy snack (loads of saturated fat), but it is AMAZING. 220 calories in a cup just by itself so I rarely ever eat it, but it is seriously my favorite food.
  • I get sick sometimes from eggs too, especially if I eat a lot in a sitting, or combine it with dairy or fiber in the same meal. It makes me feel and look very bloated and also I'll have stomach pains. Eggs are high in sulfer which can cause some people indigestion (gas). Especially those with IBS. I still eat them because…
  • Crystal light, to be honest. If you are against artificial sweeteners, then get some plain sparkling water and mix it with a tbsp or so of 100% orange/apple juice.
  • Different things work for different people. When you restrict carbs though it's well known that at first you drop a lot of water weight. Some people mistake that for real fat loss. When you up your carbs again, bam, that weight will come back on. The same people will then come to the conclusion that carbs are making them…
  • yes, but I try not to go overboard. maybe just one thing of junk a day.
  • I'm a 32C but I can never find that size in ~normal stores~ so I usually manage with a 34B
  • I get migraines with aura almost every day. Now I'm on prescription medication for it (topamax), it's actually an anti-seizure medication but doctors found it works for migraines too. I sometimes still have to take excedrin, maxalt, and/or vicodin (one of the three, not all at once) as well because even that doesn't work…
  • I am definitely addicted to diet soda...and don't want nor plan to quit anytime soon....
  • I'm addicted to it too (as well as diet soda). Is it healthy? Definitely not. Has it affected my weight? No.
  • Pop-tarts. I would eat a whole box sometimes. That's 1540 - 1680 calories, depending on the flavor. Pretty much everything else I still eat, just in moderation, but pop-tarts I find to be so pathetic, regrettable, and unsatisfying in the recommended portion size (one pastry, 200 cal). Who really gets full from that? One…