

  • Absolutely, as long as your getting the results you want it doesn't necessarily matter what the scales say. Keep it basic, get rid of the fat first, then start the weights toward the end of the fat loss, that way you'll get the best results. In terms of Protein Shakes - Watch the Calorific Content, Whey Protein is always a…
  • Ok, how much do you have to cut down to in order to take your shirt off and feel comfortable? Whats your weight loss target? The reason I ask because in order to get the six pack you need to get the diet 100% right and cut down on the fat. Once you are near your goal for weight loss I would start hitting the weights hard.…
  • You need to get a better structure to your training programme. What are you training for, Cardiovascular Fitness or Muscle Gain? What do you want to achieve from your training programme?
  • I'm a Personal Trainer in Swindon Wilts. Add me for constant updates, info and free advice www.shape123.co.uk