jpmcbride Member


  • Yes it is @sisisisepuede!!!
  • Day 6 and I am down 7.2 lbs. Tested for Ketosis yesterday and I'm there! First time trying Keto diet and seems to be going well. I am sharing my diary if you care to take a look. The Bullet Proof Coffee will remain a staple for my breakfast from now on!! Best wishes to all!
    in Newbie Comment by jpmcbride October 2016
  • Day 5!! Purchased strips today from Walmart $6! I believe I'm on the right track and seeing results!! Keto on!!!!
  • I'm new to Keto and I workout, today I had Tuscan Broccoli (low carb) and steak before i exercised. Afterwards I had pepperoni and a cheese stick. I do a lot of cardio and I was able to push through without feeling fatigue.
  • @Priyasoni7684 I tried the stevia packet this morning and it was ok to me. Being that I'm not a coffee drinker I'm not sure what taste I'm looking for lol, I would definitely try it again, taste wasn't bad at all. I also don't like to use artificial sweeteners but needed it with the BPC.
    in Newbie Comment by jpmcbride October 2016
  • Hello everyone! This is day 2 for me and BREAD is my enemy!! Going well so far. Not a coffee drinker but tried the Bullet Proof Coffee for the 1st time this morning and it was DELICIOUS!! I am a desk worker which means I'm a snacker ~ I am making an honest effort to listen to my body to see if I'm actually hungry or…
    in Newbie Comment by jpmcbride October 2016
  • I'm on it for PCOS and Insulin Resistance....diagnosed in 1996 and just recently stopped taking it in May 2012 ~ didn't appear to have helped me to lose the weight but took the medicine to show my Dr's I was doing everything I could to see if the symptoms would improve....and they didn't. I resulted in a more extreme…