I've been taken them for about a week now and here's what I think since I actually took them: They DO suppress hunger They DO give you energy BUT in my experience, cause mood swings, serious menstrual cramps and if you look there is a warning on the label that it contains a chemical that can cause reproductive issues. If…
which made no sense to..
Steal Shirt lol
Yes refried beans do taste delicious!!!!!! But I imagine using pinto beans may give the same taste too. (Just tried a refried bean salad last night and let me say.... to delicious!!!!
Hey there! I'm also 5'3 and weigh 135lbs. My goal as of right now is 118-123. I haven't decided cause I'm not there yet. I have an instagram.. follow me @instaloss_challenge. I post a lot and have a lot of followers (600+). Good luck!
I love this post too! and I do like to read! Also, i am very pro water and I will only drink water or milk. Thank you everyone for posting this is very helpful! I will adjust my goal to the "Zone" portion formula too thank you! UPDATE: I JUST wighed myself and I weigh 136.5 not 137.8 as I previously thought.
I'll do that but what should these 1400 calories consist of whats okay, what's not? Can some one please look at my diary and tell me where I am going wrong?
Thank you this was the exact type of post i was looking for so I should be eating 1,466? That explains this dragging feeling. And I will stop eating proccessed foods as well. So this includes cheese singles and things like hotdogs..or? Can you elaborate on this please?
* 7lbs , as of right now. my final goal is 123lbs.
I love oatmeal and I do enjoy cooking for myself I only want to loose 7 lbs but this sluggish lack of energy drives me crazy. Also if any one knows about sugars in regard to sugars in fruits vs other forms of sugar please give me a over view!