taratam83 Member


  • Wow, amazing story! Glad to hear about your weight loss but equally as happy for the kids you work with!
  • Right now I have the summer "OFF" from my full-time student lifestyle! Mom to two great kids, daughter is 5 and son is 2 and my hubby acts like a kid :) Enjoying my time with the kiddos this summer, trying to fill their days with fun activities. My daughter sees me using MFP so often though that she has began saying things…
  • First off don't stress out over it too much. You're hardly going to off-set all your hard work with one bad day of eating. You might put on a couple extra pounds in the next day or too just because of water retention from the sodium. Other than that, your deficit that you have created with eating a low cal diet &…
  • Tennessee but its still hot here too!! I have to be out before 7am or after 8 pm to not feel like I am loosing all my water!! lol
  • That is awesome! Congratulations! I like the idea of fire hydrants, we don't have very many in our neighborhood and I probably couldn't run that length anyway but I'm going by lightposts. Hopefully, I'll be able to say I ran some crazy amount like you did :P
  • ^^THIS! Me too! I can't imagine NOT logging my food, even on days when I eat horrible and its hard to track - I log. I am so glad I found this site, SO much better than WW. I feel the same about the smart phone too!! :P
    in Obsessed Comment by taratam83 June 2012
  • I don't know how this falls into your low carb diet, but I love peanut butter when I'm on the go. Paired with a rice cake & an apple it might not be totally horrible?
  • Way to have self control!! Seriously! Eating 3 chocolate chip cookies is okay, once in a while, (i believe in moderation!!) BUT you wouldn't want to make a habit out of it. Great job getting rid of them! I am like you, I would hear them calling my name morning, noon, and night. (and I don't understand how people can…
  • Cucumber salad - slice the cucumber very thin, add some thin sliced white onion, some rice vinegar, and a tsp or two of your choice sweetener. let it sit for a couple hours and then enjoy
    in cucumbers Comment by taratam83 June 2012
  • Assuming your little one is very little, its the heart strings keeping you near. It is okay to leave an awake or asleep baby so that you can make an egg. It takes all of 3 minutes to fix and egg and a slice of toast. It will come to you soon enough. I was the same way with my daughter I felt like I couldn't miss a second…
  • I would love to but my kiddos are a little too young. My son would need a seat to ride with me or my husband and my daughter (though she is good on her bike...training wheels) is still too little for a long bike ride. I was just telling my husband the other day I would like to start riding with him, he used to be a good…
  • #1, I study my butt off and usually make a great test grade. Though, there have been times where I wasn't able to study and I still did relatively well, on the flip side, during a physical science course I took I did not have time to study and I got a 64 on the 4th exam :( Usually, time and kids permitting, I am the person…
  • It'll catch up with him in the long run, give it a few years. Besides, you can appear healthy on the outside while all that junk food and not minding what you fuel your body with will cause a multitude of problems. My husband is the same way. He eats an insane amount of food but I see him making better decisions lately...…
  • Happy Birthday!! Congratulations on your weight loss - you look amazing!
  • That tracking everything I do would help me to be successful. That a 1/2 cup serving is actually A LOT of food! That I can find the time to exercise, even when my life is crazy!! (Just completed 2 summer classes in the same term, the university is a little over and hour from my house, and I have 2 kids 5 & 2 - it was crazy…
  • I have 54lbs to lose to get to my first goal, I've already lost 22lbs.
  • Cannot give up the coffee either, I have at least 2 cups a day, sometimes more. I use Coffeemate Natural Bliss one tablespoon to 2 cups of coffee and a packet of truvia. Any other creamers are loaded with junk. my total for two cups ends up being about 39 calories depending on the brand of coffee. <3 my Keurig!
    in Coffee? Comment by taratam83 May 2012
  • Amazing! You look great! You're such an inspiration to the rest of us!! :)
  • Walk, jog, Hike <3 so fun!, play with my kids (I don't log this!!), Biggest loser power walk with a 5lb weight x2 (I usually do all 4 videos which works out to be 64 minutes), stationary bike... Going to try and add lap swimming over the summer...
  • No way - everyone has to start somewhere... Just having the motivation to get started and check things out means your ready to make a change, you can do it!
  • Bump - Great ideas!!! Yum!
  • You said yesterday you weighed in the morning and today you weighed at night. That is not consistent at all. You should weigh in the morning, you'll be closer to the lower weight range. You have to take in account all the food you've eaten today... never weigh yourself at night :) Try again tomorrow morning and don't…
  • I guess I've heard of stranger things... lol I would try the organic eggs like others suggested and if that doesn't change anything I'd get the allergy test done, sucks not to be able to eat the things that you like :( I'm allergic to fresh apples and peaches, but I can eat them cooked - go figure
  • Sounds kind of cliche but could it be morning sickness?
  • a small sewing kit with thread, needles, safety pins... a lunch bag (sounds dorky but campus food is crazy expensive) A nice water bottle (refillable) colored pencils School supplies (notebook paper, spirals, binders etc.) I tried to think of things that I actually found myself needing this last semester :)
  • Mine says the same thing!! These men... they are more insecure than we are!
  • Amazing! Thats awesome progress for just one month! I bet your going to be so motivated they will only fit for a very short amount of time! Congrats girl!
  • You're amazing, what an inspiration for the rest of us! Enjoy you're new curves!!!
  • I notice if I eat too many artificial sweeteners (especially splenda) my knees start to ache some. That was mostly when I was doing the no sugar thing and making up for it in splenda sweetened drinks and jello :) I use Truvia now, which claims to be all natural. It tastes pretty good but I don't use it alone in a drink…