

  • First of all, good for you for going to the gym. If they had talked about me like that, I would have cried, then cursed them out. You showed a lot more restraint than I would have. I would, however, recommend reporting them to the gym staff if they ever do that again. Aside from being just horrible, it also drives away gym…
  • Even a quick Googling proves this is false.
  • I weigh more than you do (325), but I might be taller, too (5'9"). I just started my weight loss journey, too. I understand what you mean about people who just want to lose a few pounds not getting what we're dealing with, but I've also seen a lot of people on these boards who WERE in our shoes but are now on the other…
  • Thank you! So far so good. There is a difference between "judging people" and educating them. Judging would be to say that OP is a bad person or weak for making this choice. I don't think anyone has done that (if they did, then I missed it!). I really wish that someone had shared their story with me before I started…
  • I took Phentermine in 2008, and I lost about 70 lbs while taking it. It definitely suppressed my appetite, and it kept me from the mindless snacking and "eating my feelings" that I had done most of my life. I used to see it as the "magic pill" that helped me to lose weight. Awesome, right? Who wouldn't want to take these…