bloooms Member


  • Nope. I do, constantly!! It's driving me insane/
  • you look great and i love your outfit!
  • I have a 16 month old and a 3 1/2 year old.. work 40 hrs per week and my boyfriend doesn't get home 4 out of 7 nights a week until they are in bed. It's so hard finding time to exercise. By the time they are in bed I want to do nothing but lay on the couch!!
  • I am doing day 3 tonight, also doing the butt bible lower body with it, and doing the upper body workout 3 other times a week right before I do c25k. Hoping to go straight into RI30 after this, and do Butt Bible the 1st 2 weeks of that as well. Good luck everyone :)
  • I'll be doing day 4 tonight! I am doing it every day but Satrudays and I also started Butt Bible yesterday, which I will be doing 4 times a week.
  • I started yesterday! I did day 1last night and day 2 this morning. My legs are killing me especially since I started c25k again (started on week 4) this week as well. I plan on taking Saturdays off every week and doing each level 10 days then going right into doing Ripped in 30 each level 6 times. I also want to start…
  • I'm going to start either Saturday or Monday.. I haven't been feeling great, so if I am not feeling better by Saturday I am going to start Monday. I can run anywhere between 4-10 minutes at a time, depending on the day. I've started and stopped this program numerous times and plan to start on week 3, and do week 3 twice,…
  • I'm in!! I'm leaving on a surprise vacation with hubby on 9/28 (surprise for him) and i NEED to be at goal by then (about 10-12ish lbs away)
  • I'm up at 4:15 Tues, Thurs, Fri! I am at the gym by 4:35 or so but I think that's a little too early for you!
  • I'm in!! I'm shooting for 10-12, that's when I'll be at my goal.
  • I get up at 4:15 three days a week.. my other workouts are at nights, and Saturday mornings I don't go to the gym until around 8-8:30
  • 11 weeks until my surprise trip for my hubby's 30th birthday and I NEED too look good ;)
  • We have pedometers and the top 3 people with the most steps monthly get gas cards ($20,$15,$10).. and last month we started tracking where in the US you have walked to from the office. The program has been going on a little over a year so mileage wise people were in VA or so, we live in MA.
  • I'm in... I have about 12-15 to lose (depending on the day, my weight fluctuates so much) and i have been stuck for so long where I am. I am surprising my hubby with a trip in September for his 30th bday and i NEED to look good ;) .. I have a wedding reception and family get together all weekend, where I am going to try my…
  • I started it last week.. did it 3 times, then started slacking BADLY. I'm beating myself up over it. Ideally, I'd like to do it Tues, Wed, Fri AM & Sat and Sun at somepoint. My boyfriend works weird hours and we have a 3 year old and a baby who just turned 1 and does not sleep very well. I'm going to try and do it tonight…
  • I'm not doing NROLFW, but I am planning on getting back on track with c25k tomorrow. I had previously started it, then quit for some reason. I'm going to start in either week 3 or 4 and do it Tues Wed & Fri.
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