jtross1117 Member


  • Hi! I am 1 week today out of lap-band surgery. Would love to have you as a friend to be of support to you if i can. :) Jenn
  • My journey has just begun. I am in in for the" long haul" and mfp is my new addiction. I'd love to have you as support and be of some to you as well. Add me if you'd like. Jenn
  • Hey.... I'm Jenn, new to MFP too. Friend me if you would like. I've only been on for 3 weeks so i don't have a big friend base. Trying to motivate my friends and family to join MFP so we can support each other on our journey to become healthy. Hope to learn more about you and your journey! :)
    in Friends Comment by jtross1117 March 2012