

  • This, exactly. It took me about a year to lose the weight, and several months for the skin to tighten up after the weight was gone. But it did tighten back up, and the stratch marks faded too.
  • First thing in the morning, or at lunch. Exercise makes me wired; if I work out in the evening, I won't sleep that night.
  • If you have a netflix (or other streaming account) check there. I have found a couple good yoga programs on netflix, and it doesn't cost any extra.
  • I've had Mirena for almost 8 years now (on my second one, they only last 5 years) and I have had ups and downs with my weight. But after studying my lifestyle habits, it seems that for me, this birth control doesn't have much of an affect on my weight. I had a terrible battle with weight when I was on the depo shot tho...
  • Strength training in addition to cardio will help tighten and tone as you slim down. The result will be all over, not just in the thighs. :smile:
  • They do nothing for weight loss, but are a great way to relax. It also helps to open pores and make your skin feel nicer. Do it for enjoyment, but just keep in mind that it will neither help nor hinder your weight loss efforts. Remember to drink plenty of water!!
  • I get quite a bit of food there, some staples that are always a good price are baby portabella mushrooms, romaine hearts and pork sirloin tip roast (great for freezing, then cooking in the crockpot when you know you will have a late work day or busy saturday). Just be watchful of how much items are per unit, sometimes…
  • I like it, but I get the sugar free version for lower calories. My stomach doesn't like it when I put food in it first thing in the morning. So it works well for me.
  • If increased water, juices and fiber don't help, it might be worth a trip to the doc just to make sure that nothing more serious is going on. Also, be careful with fiber suppliments; too much can cause constipation.
  • allrecipes.com They have tons of recipes and you can customize your search
  • Great advise, I know the importance of protien, and want to make sure that it stays in my kids diet (as well as mine). But I am trying to reduce the unhealthy fats and high calorie foods that we have gotten into the bad habit of eating frequently. I have been substituting quinoa for rice, potatoes and other common carb…
  • Thank you everyone for the ideas and websites. I can't wait to try them!! Here is a Moroccan stew recipe I tried the other night, my kids even liked it! I left out the yogurt and butter and used vegetable broth. http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/aida-mollenkamp/squash-and-chickpea-moroccan-stew-recipe/index.html
  • Amazing!!! You look great, you should be incredibly proud of your acomplishment!!
  • If they have a free membership, give it a try, can't hurt. But if it ends up being too expensive, maybe switch up your schedule and try working out before or after work. Another cheap option is to go walk or run on the Cherry creek path, its only 2 blocks from the Tabor center and it's nice during the daytime. I run down…
  • Quinoa is a good grain that is high in protein, you could try incorporating it occasionally to change things up a but.
  • I sleep in a t-shirt, if its cold I'll wear a cami too, but I don't like the constrictive feeling of the band around my chest.
  • This is a good point, if you are new to exercise you might be building muscle while you lose fat. Keep working at it, sometimes it takes a while before you see the scale move. Use other factors to measure success. Like how your jeans fit, and how you feel. It will happen, keep it up :)
  • I had a bad time with weight gain while on the depo shot, now i have the merena IUD and I love it. I've been on it for 7 years now, and it has not caused me any weight problems, in fact I have dropped 25 pounds since August. It also has a very pleasant side effect; I don't get periods, or the cramping, bloating and mood…
  • I don't hate you, in fact I'd be happy to help you out. If you can just find a way to take a few pounds from me, we can fatten you right up. :laugh: Good luck in your healthy weight gain endeavor, and your wife is totally awesome for getting you started, you should thank her :)
  • Stop trying to feel the way you did before you gained weight, you are really a completely different person than you were then. You're a healthy mom, instead of being the woman you were, be the woman you want your daughter to look up to. You've built a new you physically, now build a great you mentally. And congratulations…
  • I've hit that speed bump too, try eating foods that are a little more calorie dense. Your body gets used to the smaller portions and eating volume is hard. I had to do little things that you're supposed to avoid, like using regular creamer for my coffee, and putting butter on my toast. Eating every 3 hours helps too, you…
  • My Girl
  • Thank you all!! That totally made my day, and having people that understand what a huge personal victory it is makes it even better. You guys rock!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Native!! Right across the way from Cherry Creek reservior
  • I want to thank all the soldiers who have given of themselves for all of us, and the families who have supported them. Please set an extra place at your tables tonight for the soldiers who didn't make it home.
  • The support is huge for me. It's great knowing there are friends that know exactly what I'm going thru, because they're fighting the same battle. I wouldn't be able to keep motivated with out my MFP friends.
  • That's wonderful!!! You've done sooo well to drop a little weight, and get a little healthier every day. You have definately earned the haircut!!! Pamper yourself, you are worth it!! Keep up the great work :)