sayloregal Member


  • Nice Job! Be sure to let the group know where you need support.
  • Bread is a hard one to give up.. in my house: bread, cheese, potatoes, & eggs were the bases of all meals.. I'm learning portion control with them... I'd love to be bread free, but with my work schedules.. bread is the most convenient on the go food. Since I spend 85% of my time in my car.. anything that isn't in a…
  • Welcome Corrie! Let me know what we can do to help keep you motivated. :o)
  • I understand.. my daughter was just here this last week and I was not on track at all.. I tried to make as many healthy choices as I could.. but didn't beat myself up when I didn't. I'm getting back on track this week and I still managed to lose 2 lbs last week, so it all works out in the end.. just try to get some walks…
  • thanks i'll have to check it out.