

  • I tried them with the Hungry Girl Lo Mein recipe and looved them! They do have a distinct smell to them initially though for sure and it takes forever to get all of the moisture out of them like you are supposed to; however, for me it was totally worth it! I love pasta and once you get past the first couple of bites with…
  • When they say feed a cold and starve the flu it means make sure that you are still eating...not increase your calories... Increase your fluids to help loosen mucous secretions...that will help to keep it from turning into pneumonia or something like that...soup is full of liquid too so that is a good way to go...also in my…
  • Have you been overly stressed lately? Sometimes stress in and of itself can cause hormonal problems...there are other medical conditions other than pregnancy that can caused missed menses too so it may be worth getting into see your doctor if you don't start soon.
  • Awesome job! If you know something is a weakness then the best thing to do is avoid it for sure! One of the things that you could try too the next time you do make tacos is to throw a can of black beans in with your meat and skip the cheese. They also have some really low calorie taco shells that you can get too. (cant…
  • I'm sure everyone has already had a lot of good ideas for you and I may be repeating as there were so many comments that I didn't read...grapes and 94%fat free popcorn or air for me! So super hard to get out of your head! Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst...great book...super motivational for me! I know…
  • I am not in your age group, but I did get a piece of advice from a nutritionist that told me if you eat something really hot or really cold then it helps a little with weight loss as well b/c your body has to adjust to keep your body temperature stable and as a result of it working you are burning calories...Hot tea or…