

  • Well, that must have been a rare good day because I am still the same weight, have not been back on here, have not been exercising or eating healthy. Maybe there is a point when you are too old after all! If I lost 50 pounds, my skin would sag and hang on me! That would be just as unbearable as being this overweight! At my…
  • "Also, I also joined a group related to hyperglycemia. If I read any good tips there, I will pass them along for the rest of us...." Excuse me, should have said the other group is called Everything Hypoglycemia (not hyperglycemia!) So sorry!
  • I think if someone is interested in joining this group, they should ignore the "over 50" and join. Someone younger might be interested, but refrain from joining because they are 30 or 40-something. Just a thought... Also, I also joined a group related to hyperglycemia. If I read any good tips there, I will pass them along…
  • It is a HUGE success!! I can't even master the treadmill for 17-20 minutes a day. I struggle to get on it every evening and maintain 12-15 minutes. How would I ever do a mile run?? You should be jumping for joy!! Keep going and be proud of your accomplishment!
  • what do all these "bump" replies mean??
  • Hi, dear one! You don't know me, but I could be you! I have a very stressful job working about 9 hours per day supervisory, but not allowed overtime, so I try to keep it down by clocking out on time and staying a few minutes longer. I have daily work, supervision, reports, monthly tasks, etc. No time for exercise...I eat…
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