
  • It is time to take control of my life and get rid of this belly fat that has taken over my body. Portion control is my down fall so I intend to use a smaller plate (the pie plate instead of diner plate) and hope this works. Snacks are also a down fall ( I like pretzels but to salty) this is going to be my real challenge…
  • Posting to get this on My Topics Will weigh myself for fresh start tomorrow April 1 and join in the challenge.
  • Ok this is what I have been looking for I am in will post by walks everyday 1000 minutes and counting down.
  • new also and yes I also love all foods but I know if we help each other we can do this I need to lose at least 50 pounds my health depends on it. I sit an formulate all these great plans for eating right exercising and then never put them to use. It's time I got off this couch and did something. Keep in touch Lets try to…
  • Hi Feel free to add me I just started yesterday and can use the support also. I think an open diary is a good thing just knowing others are see what you eat and how you exercise will keep anyone on track. Yesterday was a bad day bad start but I listed everything I ate and drank. I think the only way to do this is to be…