

  • One other thing you might try is changing the Carb/Fat/Protein proportions of your diet a little. After losing 15lbs I was stuck for two weeks so I added a bit more fat and protein and reduced my carbs (not to Atkins levels, just a lower percentage) when I stepped on the scale this week, I was 5 pounds lighter. It may be a…
  • Yeah, if your family likes Mexican food I think you're in luck. Traditional Mexican food is actually pretty healthy, especially if you're careful about how much and what kind of fat you use. If you end up with leftover beans, you can whiz them up with a blender and reheat them in a pan to make refried beans. A little extra…
  • weaklink109 has got a good suggestion, I've actually been doing this for a few years. Canned chicken broth is really expensive compared to making it yourself. I just keep a bag in the freezer where I put all of my onion, carrot, and celery stumps and another bag where I keep chicken bones. It's also great to save them if…
  • I've noticed that a lot of farmers' markets accept food stamps these days. You might look into that. I don't know if it will make a difference for your picky eaters, but fresh produce is always better. Also, you since you have a 2 year old, you should check out the WIC (women, infants, and children) program to see if you…