tony644 Member


  • Thanks to lwoodroff I've found where to change the app settings (Settings - Fitness Profile - Change Units) and the best news is both the app and the web are now displaying Kilojoules. MFP just keeps getting better.
  • When I downloaded the first Beta version the screens started displaying Kilojoules rather than Calories and with the latest version my phone is back to displaying Calories again. Apart from downloading the updates I haven't changed any settings. I live in Australia where everything is labelled in Kilojoules so it was handy…
  • When I'm adding or editing food and the app is displaying the nutritional facts it's displaying kilojoules rather than calories because I'm in Australia. The problem is while the space is big enough to display the calories it's not big enough to display the kilojoules, instead of displaying 500 calories it displays 21..…
  • Displaying kilojoules rather than calories was a pleasant surprise. I live in Australia and hopefully this will improve my accuracy because today I know the kilojoules when I will buy something but if I can't find an exact match in the database will pick a generic item with calories. Hopefully the web site will also be…
  • I'm also missing it on my Motorola Razr M. Also the items in the recent tab don't seem to be ordered very well. Items which I've eaten a few times ages ago are above items I ate yesterday and would appear on the frequent tab.