

  • When you have a bigger "YES" burning inside you, it is easier to say "NO". Your 'YES' is not big enough yet. Right now your 'YES' is part time. Make it FULL TIME and see your goals realized.
  • Put mine in a morning breakfast shake (blueberries, strawberries, 1/2 banana, Kiwi, Yogurt and 1/4 cup of milk). Taste awesome. It is about 490 calories for breakfast which works for me in my caloric intake. I only use on workout days, though if your workouts are fairly intense, probably would not hurt you on off days.
  • Razz / Pu_239 (or any other insightful help) I am 209 with about 20# I would like to lose. However, I am also committed to gaining a more refined muscular shape. Currently, I mix about 30 minutes cardio (running / elliptical) with about 30 min of strength training targeting different muscle groups 3-4 times weekly or every…