zenjenn Member


  • Jeff, there are meal replacement shakes and protein powders- two different things. Meal replacement shakes usually have additional food ingredients like dehydrated, powdered vegetables and/or fruits in addition to protein powder. It will have fiber and carbs as well as protein. And you easily add some whole foods, like…
  • Meal replacement shakes DO work. The data backs it up. But they aren't magical; it's just a tool that easily and conveniently helps some people reduce caloric intake. This is especially true if you (like me) are just not good about food shopping and meal prep. Yes. Whole foods are better. All the holier-than-thou people…
  • I don't understand the heart rate monitor thing. Heart rate and metabolic rate are two very different things. I have a much faster than average resting heart rate (around 90 beats per minute - always have, even as a teen of a healthy weight). Just the way I am. But my metabolic rate is clearly on the slow side. How does…
  • I hate running. I have zero interest in being an athlete. My solution is to walk, hike, elliptical. At least 20 minutes. For longer, audio books or a walking buddy. I used to try to jog and such but I found I just hated it and would avoid it. IMO, find what you can do that involves the least amount of misery, and hopefully…
  • Well, that was short-lived. After 3 days of taking it I started to experience some mild chest tightness/aches. I called the doc to report it as the drug literature advised, and he told me to stop taking it immediately. He seemed very pro-phentermine when he prescribed it so he I guess that symptom is nothing to screw…
  • Yeah, this isn't just physics. It's physics, biochemistry, and psychology, all wrapped up into one confusing mess.
  • You may want to get a 2nd opinion. I had 2 plates and countless screws on a broken leg that had the same impact on me. After 2 years of suffering with it, I had them removed. Yes, there is a danger of refracture. I had to wear a boot again to protect from refracture for a couple months, and then on no-impact activity for a…
  • I just went on a cruise.. with every intention of eating healthy. I did make healthy choices much of the time, but other times, temptation was too great to sample all those fancy-looking deserts or buffet offerings. However, I gained MAYBE 1-2 lbs, if that (I'm not sure because my weight fluctuates, and I started my period…
  • I think this is the problem for so many of us. I don't normally gain or lose when all is well, but the situations in life that caused inactivity or excess eating - pregnancies, surgeries, etc. Those are the times the weight goes on. Getting it off becomes a problem - my body seems to like to stay at a stable weight in…
  • Presley, yes, the 37.5 mg pill. ejean, there was a time I would have agreed with you. I used to avoid taking all drugs, even tylenol or antibiotics unless I was clearly and obviously in need of them - still do to some extent. But I've had too many "natural" approaches not work or even cause me worse health issues. The…
  • Leah - thank you for honestly sharing your experiences. Both of my parents have high cholesterol and have been on cholesterol medication for decades. However, they are also both obese - and far more obese than I am. Dr. doesn't guarantee that weight loss will improve my numbers, but insists often it does. I have no way of…
  • This is my concern too, honestly, though my doctor insists that since I am already in the habit of being conscious of what I eat and exercising, as long as I continue those habits while taking the drug & after I go off, I will not regain. The drug will just remove the impulse to eat just a little more, which is what…
  • Wow, thanks for all your responses. Abigail, 20 lbs since June first? Crazy. Saltatoria, I would be bowled over if I lost 3-4 lbs a week. I typically lose about 1/2 lb a week if I'm PERFECT about exercise and diet (just have a slow metabolism, I guess.) I've read a lot of people just practically don't eat because their…
  • The game is telling me I burned over 1400 calories in a 67 minute mid-intensity class. There is NO WAY that is true. On myfitnesspal I used "dancing" as activity and it said something like 450 or 500 calories for a workout of the same duration. Sounds much more reasonable to me. Zumbacalories.com said something like 750…