

  • I'm not sure if it's hypocritical - also not sure if it matters. I mean, it's your body, do what you want with it. Also, if you think you can take better care of yourself by tracking your intake and exercise, then that's your path to health. In my case, I have habits that don't make me healthier, and if I track my intake,…
  • I try to make mine functional. I have pain in my ankle due to a funky tendon, and I hope to be pregnant in the next year. I'm trying to lose weight (~20 lbs) so my pregnancy doesn't add too much extra stress on my ankle. Afterwards, I'll probably play it by ear - eat thoughtfully, exercise (as much as a new mom can do…
  • "I don't know what all is at work here, but the simple fact remains that weight gain is due to a calorie surplus. If that is the "previous belief" Atkinson is talking about, I'm afraid it is still very much defensible." The point of science is to test our beliefs and figure out what's actually true. Sometimes what's true…