

  • Maybe you could try getting baby used to drinking from you using a nipple shield as an intermediate step.
  • Did the fit bit every arrive in Germany? You can now get it via amazon if you go to uk website at least.
    in Hi! Comment by sunshine001 May 2012
  • Just ordered my fitbit. Trying to shift some baby weight plus.Feel free to add me.
    in Hi! Comment by sunshine001 May 2012
  • Just ordered my fit bit today after finding out about it on myfitnesspal. Trying to shift baby weight plus. Sure to be back with some questions. Please add me.
  • How does the breast feeding recording option work? Where is it?
  • Hi there, I'm lying in bed feeding with little beautiful 3 month old Tanya. She's my fourth , the others are 4,6 & 8 and at school at the moment. I am exhausted and have been surviving on emergency chocolate snacks these last 3 weeks. I feel I urgently need to stop doing this but am scared I won't be able to. Also, whilst…
    in Hi all Comment by sunshine001 April 2012