Good post! It's always a challenge for me to meet 64 oz per day, much less 90 (based on your formula), but I've replaced juice with water and it's really helped me get under my calorie count each day. I also replaced regular soda with diet, and that's helped as well, but soon I need to ween myself off of the diet and just…
Welcome! I've also tried this before and failed, but I'm doing much better this time around (my 3rd time) - and I'm having fun doing it! Keep with it! We're all here to encourage you!
Ok Christina, I expect you to stick around this time too! :) 3rd time's the charm!
That not sad; it's awesome! That's obviously a tremendous change if someone didn't recognize you because of the weight you had lost! Congrats mate. Great work!
I definitely think you can reach your goal of 10 in one month. 15 might be pushing it, but is doable. I've lost 5.5 pounds since I joined 2 weeks ago, which is an average of just under 3 lbs per week. I haven't done anything miraculous either. I've just switched from regular to diet coke, logged every single calorie I've…
Chevy88grl has it 100% right on. When you have one cheat day, it turns into two cheat days, which turns into three. Instead, just enjoy what you want to enjoy, but do it in moderation and stick to your calorie limit. Binge eating is bad, bad, bad!
Well, they're lower in fat and sugar, higher in fiber and protein. So they're definitely preferable to candy bars. Though it's not the "ideal" food to curb hunger pangs, it beats many alternatives. Generally, they're used by hikers, skiiers, backpackers - people whose access to food is limited and are in situations where…
You're losing 4 lbs a week? And you want to lose faster!? It may just be me, but your pace sounds breakneck as it is. Mcrow24 has it right - it's all about calorie deficit. In any case, it seems to be working for you, so I wouldn't change a thing.