

  • All is not lost . First, a good cry might help. It DOES suck to work so hard to achieve a goal only to be shocked when the scale goes the wrong way. We've all been there and it plays games with your head no doubt. Is it by chance, that time of the month? It is a known fact that women can retain up tp 5 pounds prior to the…
  • Perhaps there are several ways to "weigh in" on this topic (LOL--get it? weigh in????). First, drinking too often overall, if done too often , brings a host of negative issues to your body. The most important being that it affects your liver and it's ability to obsorbe and break down fat. So, if you are on a life change…
  • Quality of life and being kind to your body are priceless. I 100% support you. Make yourself #1 on your to do list each day. Everyone around you will benefit. On the hard days, remember that you are not alone on this journey to being the best you that you can be. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it. Stay strong!…
  • you go girl! Spoken from someone who knows what it takes day in and day out to stay strong,self motivated and in control. It is a constant mind game and you my friend are winning....reach for your dream. your body and family will thank you! place yourself on your priority list every day : forever..nobody can do it for…
  • you DO look great. I know that some days are a battle of the mind, what amazing proof that you "won" each of those battles. If you don't mind me asking, what is your average weight loss per week now? Has it slowed down ? That's when I find that it's mentally harder. Keep reaching for your dreams of producing a good quality…
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