sferry84 Member


  • Then- I'm tired of trying so hard. This isn't working fast enough. This food is going to fill this void. More bread, cheese, chocolate, etc. MORE Now- my tummy hurts. :ohwell:
  • The group is called Calorie Control! The challenge is 3 weeks under calorie goal. Starts Monday, April 2nd. In case anyone is interested? :smile:
  • It does. Thank you! :flowerforyou: I bumped my goal down to 1/2 lb. loss per week which brings my calorie intake up to 1400 per day. This seems more realistic for me for right now. Perhaps with exercise I will lose a bit more. Also joined a group. Sounds promising.
  • Thanks for the tip, on the veggies. I think I will try preparing more veggies at dinner so I will feel more full. I saw on another post that someone recommended hot tea or decaf. coffee. That sounds mighty nice right now. I think I will try that. AND on another post someone recommended splitting their meals throughout the…
  • Do you make for it the next day by eating less calories or eating different types of foods? I'm afraid if I eat less calories the next day I will feel hungry again and it will be kind of like a vicious cycle. I also stay up late so maybe a later snack would help me as well...