

  • Chobani is best if you want to just have a yogurt snack. But as far as substituting greek yogurt in your cooking, I would stick with Oikos. Chobani is too creamy to work well as a substitute in my opinion. As a snack though it's high calorie and lacking good nutirition. I wouldn't consume more than one cup a day, and I…
  • Try a protein shake. It fights off the hunger and helps you feel full. But since it's just a shake you'll still be hungry for dinner later. It helps me a lot because as soon as I get home I have to walk the dog, change out of my work clothes, etc. When I drink a protein shake (slimfast or muscle milk are my faves) it stops…
  • This person is my hero.
  • I'm in a similar situation. At 5.5 and 220 lbs, working out can be difficult if not almost impossible. Honestly I'm just focused on my diet to start out with. Getting healthy is 80% diet and 20% exercise, so start small. I've kicked my addiction to pop/soda and fast food. I'm trying a clean/raw diet mostly with protein…