

  • The Belly Fat Cure is a book written by Jorge Cruise. It's a diet that is all about watching your carbs and sugars. Also getting artificial sweeteners out of your diet. I haven't done that quite yet. I love diet pepsi. But I am eating healthy carbs and staying below 15 grams of sugar a day. I feel great. I have only been…
  • My favorite, easy way to make pizza's is to get Greek Pita flat bread, put it in the oven for 5 minutes with nothing on it at 400 degrees. Take it out and put whatever toppings you want on it. My favorite is to put a little bit of ranch dressing on as the sauce and chicken, veggies, a little bit of cheese and a little bit…
  • I just started on Saturday, so far so good. I feel like it's something I can stick to and not feel deprived.