Thank you!!!
Thank you so much!
Thank you! I am 5'5
Thank you guys!!!
My now husband and I started dating when we were 13 and we waited until we got married to have sex! It was super hard but our honeymoon was more than amazing and let me just say what we saved up for all the time has made our love life wild and crazy and perfect! We have been married 2 1/2 years now =]
Thanks guys!! I am 5'5 =]
Thank you!!
Thank you all!!! The journey has definitely changed me! I truly believe anyone can do anything they set their mind too!
Thank you all so much!! =]
Thanks !!
Than you all sooooo much for all the wonderful words!!! Means a lot <3
Thanks all! There is definitely no secret! Just eating right and exercising and learning what your body is sensitive too!
Feel free to look at my pics as well!! I had a c section 13 months ago =]
Thank you all!!!
9! Great job! Excellent definition and core strength!
Thank you so much =]
Thank you so much =]
Thank you!!!
Thanks guys!!
Thank you girls!! I truly feel the greatest reward out of all of this will be to see my daughter living a healthy lifestyle as she grows!
Excellent girl keep it up!
Thank you =]!!
Thank you so much everyone!!
The last 15 were the worst for me! It was excruciating waiting for that scale to move! I increased my calories for for days and then dropped them back down and it seemed to throw my body off enough that it started moving although very slowly! Hang in there girl! It does seem to go soooo much slower at the end!
Thank you so much =]!!
Thank you everyone!! The comments mean so much =]!
I cannot tell you how many times I have been told that too! I had to learn to channel that as more motivation to become a better me =] I figured if they can enjoy that weight, I certainly deserved to enjoy it too! It can be done girl! You got this!
Thank you!! When I was pregnant I ate probably 2000 calories a day bit filled it with good foods instead of the previous junk I ate =]
Thank you!! Good luck!! I know you can do it girl!
I am 5'5 =]