

  • You can do anything you set your mind to....and won't he then be surprised from all the head turning attention you will get when you drop those pounds!!!??? Good luck and welcome...add me if you would like!!
  • Feeling guilty doesn't make it go away or change it. You just enjoy it for what it was and now it is over. Tomorrow is a day to start new and be back on the program. Don't let it take away all of the good work you have done for a month....
  • Wonderful job!!! Keep deserve it....what an achievement!!!:smile:
  • Hi, feel free to add me if you like. I just started this week and this is my first posting!! I really like tracking what I eat and it keeps me "honest". I hope to lose about 50 -60 lbs. Since I seem older than most folks here, and my metabolism is a bit slower, I will have to either crank up my exercise or just take the…