

  • Congratulations on yours too!!! That's a long time to wait! I remember always having to say the year so people would know it wasn't next May, but now it IS next May! Now somehow I just have to get over the fact that my stick thin sister who can eat whatever she wants is eating from a big plate of homemade chocolate chip…
  • I'm getting married in 201 days on May 25th, 2012! I've been tracking seriously since the beginning of September and just wish I could lose the weight faster with this deadline. I've told myself I don't even want to start shopping for a dress til end of January maybe.
  • I'm so happy! Scale told me I lost 4.8 lbs this week!!!!
  • I wasn't horrible over the weekend! YAY!!!!! I work afternoons and evenings during the week which helps a lot, but on the weekend, I'm usually home during those fatal hours of about 3:30-7:30. Sooooo hard not to overeat then! But luckily, with this mini goal set, I feel much more motivated to be good! Happy tracking…
  • Hi Everyone, I've never posted before, but definitely need some motivation and to set a mini-goal. 20 pounds by Thanksgiving would be great! So if it's not too late then I'm in! I need friends!!! Current Weight - 237.4 (as of September 22nd) Mini-goal weight - 217.4 by Thanksgiving 2011 Goal Weight - 165 - (It would be the…