Sharon909 Member


  • Agreed, losing weight and easy do not go in the same sentence. This app is great and I wish I had it available to me when I was in my teens. My trainer has me doing 45 min of cardio 3 to 4 days a week, plus strength training 2 days a week. So I get on the treadmill or elliptical Mon, Wed, Fri & sometimes Saturday for 45…
  • Meh, I definetly watch the show for the entertainment purposes of it. But it does give a good message, IMHO, on having the mindset that you really have to want it and work for it. You cant just diet for a week and expect to see results. I love to watch late at night on Tivo when my favorite program is over and I want that…
  • GO WORK OUT! Just stop typing, turn off the computer, and GO DO IT!! You will feel better for it. Never ever give yourself time to slack off!!
  • I am 5'2" and I"m down to 179.4 right now. I started January at 196.4. So far so good. I've had a steady slow weight loss. I am doing 3 days of cardio a week for 45 minutes and 2 days of strength traning with a personal trainer for 30 min. I'm trying to stick to a 1200 cal day diet but I eat the calories I burn so some…
  • Coffee with fat free vanilla creamer and a Jimmy Dean Delights breakfast sandwich with turkey sausage, eggwhite and cheese. I love these because they keep me out of the drive thru!
  • I doubt they would like low fat versions of their favorites. Its a huge taste difference. Plus they probably like cooking for you while you are home. That said, your gonna have to put on your big girl panties and just tell them the truth. You are grown now. If they get offended so be it. No it wont be easy but if they are…
  • I have always been an 'A' and am striving to be a "B'. I dont think you are obsessive just because you feel like your losing steam from an illness. When you are active, and you step away from your routine, of course its gonna feel weird and your body is gonna crave the endorphins of working out. Its not obsessive to be…
  • I"m in. I'm working with a personal trainer and she says 10 lbs in 4 weeks is totally doable if you are vigilant. I'm on a 1200 cal/day diet and strength training 2x wk/30 min with the trainer, and 3-5 days a week cardio/45 min. I'm down 11.5 since January. Just started with the trainer though and adding the app and new…
  • I have a professional trainer. I'm only on my 4th appt (with 20 more booked). She changes my reps each time. One day its 3 sets of 15, the next day its one set of 50, the next day its 2 sets of 15, depending on what she has me doing. She says one of the keys is to keep changing so your muscles dont know what to expect. She…