

  • Hi Cynthia, You and I are the same age, and I can well relate to the issues you face! I joined here three weeks ago. It is not easy, but I am deterined to lose 30 pounds (40 would be better!) . I am down 7 so far. Feel free to add me as a friend...there is strength in numbers!! Good can do this!
  • Feel free to add me as well.I am fairly new to this site (week three), and could use the support! (and give support as well, of course !)
    in new Comment by Ardyth1 April 2012
  • Hey Gary, Thanks so much for sharing your story! I am inspired, and soooo, so happy for you! Keep up the good work. I am new to MFP, and just loved reading your post.. Congratulations!
  • Good for you!! Congratulations on taking the first step! I have just started myself..have lost four pounds so far.My goal is to lose 40,and I know it isn't going to happen overnight! You hear so many theories and suggestions on how to best acheive your goal.But thebottom line, I think, is to eat less, and move more. Sounds…
  • I would love to join you! I just started last week, and it's slow going. It would be so nice to have company on this journey!
  • What a great idea! I just joined here yesterday, and this sounds like a great way to start! There is strength in numbers..and I would love to be a part of this!
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