21lauren21 Member


  • Feel free to add me! I have a 17month old who is yet to sleep through the night but its time to get serious and loose this baby weight...about 20lbs to go for me
  • I seriously need to! My son is 17 months old and I am still 14lbs over pre pregnancy. The past 17 months have been tough with my son yet to sleep more than a few hours at a time. He just had an operation last week to drain fluid and pus from his ears, put in grommets and take his adenoids out so we have hope that it helps.…
  • Wow huge difference! Keep up the fab work. The results will def pay off :smile:
  • I have this as well! All stems from a car accident that I had a few years ago, I have now pulled back from running for a bit- now just do two sessions a week as well as a lot of stregth and stretching at home. I am also going to try going to bikram yoga to see if that will help. When I did my half last year I also had…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Lauren currently living in Aus. Have completed a few 10kms, halfs and also a marathon. Currently have a bad back which is causing all sorts of problems. Goals for this year however is to run a sub 2 hour half, Bad back caused me to run at a slower pace last year. A sub 50 min 10km, was so close last Nov in…
  • Feel free to add me too :)
    in Friends Comment by 21lauren21 March 2012
  • My plan is to keep the exercise going as I feel really irritable and run down if I don't exercise, then keep to 1200 calories a day plus half of my exercise calories. I am also starting a caffine withdrawl for two week then no caffine at all allowed
  • I already work out quite a bit so for me its also getting the nutrition down packed! For me I do Mon: Cardio boot camp class pm- normally interval training or long run Tues: Spin class in the am and Boxing in the evening (boxing is only every 2nd week) Wed: Tone Boot camp class pm Thurs: Boxing class at the gym am, walk…
  • Hi, I am looking to loose 20lbs or roughly 10kg before I hit the big 3-0 in July. We have just had our southern summer but I have a beach holiday booked for July as well. SW: 69kg GW: 59kg