

  • I like the veg challenge idea. I was vegan for 4 years, now i eat ALL the things but I know I should incorporate more plant based proteins and veggies in general.
  • Agree! I get sad when I can't see people's food diaries. I like to get ideas for new meals and combos :) plus, that guilt factor haha
    in "Rules" Comment by hilaryannb June 2014
  • Goals: Get to 115-120, lose fat. Eventually gain muscle/body recomp. Stay on track with cals and macros. 40 c/30 p/30 f. 1300-1600 cal depending on the day. Workout: Strong Lifts 5x5, T/Th/Sat Spx Pilates (megaformer classes) 1x/week Orange Theory Fitness classes 1x/week (60 min HIIT, rowing and free weight circuit class-…