eliz5210 Member


  • You can do it!! I'm working on a similar plan. I had slacked off of watching what I eat and now I'm back. I need to lose some before I go on a New Year cruise to the Caribbean. Yay! So at least I've got something to shoot for! Take it one day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you have a set back. Remember it takes a…
  • You've figured it out! It's really all about calories in and calories out! The more we take in we gain and the more we burn we lose. Portion control is really the key that works for me too. I don't exercise much either and when I track I always lose!
  • I have been drinking a lot of diet sodas and recently switched to drinking mostly water. I feel less bloated probably because of the salt. I also think it helps me not to want sweet things all of the time. Your body gets used to not having the sweet taste and craving it when you give up the sodas. I have a few diet drinks…
    in Diet Soda Comment by eliz5210 July 2012