tanayar Member


  • the way i do it is i just look for the cooked option on here such as cooked rice, pan grilled chicken, beef chuck steak (1oz cooked) etc... it works for me and if something just seems way too low i will try to research it online or original packagaing, and if that doesnt work i will just up my portion count on here but not…
  • i havent given up pinto beans just instead of eating them twice a day i eat them more like once a week lol everything is pretty much ok in portion. for example i know those bean and cheese burritos i love so much are far from "good" for me and i wont be convinced that they are :)
  • OMGoodness! Pinto beans!! 245 calories for 1 cup! I'm mexican I used to eat beans with atleast 1-2 meals a day! and trust 1 cup is not much when you take into account how you are eating them lol oh how I miss them lol
  • Your upper stomach has really slimmed down. That's where I have notice it on myself as well :)Cograts girl keep it up!!!!
  • 25 yrs old SW 298 CW 292 GW 220ish Started MFP late March2012 Taking things slow and steady trying to make permanent changes in my life and be healthier all around. My goal weight isn't too low because honestly I hold my weight very well and looked smoking at 220 :) if I lose more more then all the better lol currently…
  • only 25 i have always been a happy/sexy big girl but the past few years have gotten bigger :blushing: trying to get healthy and back down to a weight where i feel and look the best :happy: