

  • Hola, no soy latina, pero quisiera ser parte de este grupo porque estoy tratando de adelgazar, y también estoy aprendiendo español. Leí algo de lo que ustedes han publicado y entendí todos! Soy de la frontera de Oklahoma y Arkansas, en una ciudad muy pequeña. Ahora soy estudiante de la Universidad de Oklahoma.
  • Good for you, khodir! It really is difficult to lose weight. It takes a lot of dedication, especially at first when it seems like nothing you're "allowed" to eat tastes good and everything that tastes good is so fattening. I'm just getting out of that stage, so I'm finding delicious diet-friendly foods, but I still get…
  • Hi to both of you! I'm so glad you responded, I was kind of worried nobody would. :) I'm glad I decided to actively use this forum, rather than just use the app on my phone as a calorie counter. I have a feeling I will be more successful now that I know people will be able to see what I'm eating and how well I'm following…
  • Hi! I'm new as well and looking for all the support and motivation I can get, and looking to help others as well. I'm only a freshman in college, but I'm thinking about a career in education, too! I'm basically looking to shed my extra weight for the same reasons as you, to feel and to be the best that I can. Add me if…