alc06 Member


  • Today I will be completing Level 2 Day 10 - moving to Level 3 tomorrow :) My weight loss has been negligible, and I haven't checked my inches yet...... but WOW has my endurance and fitness improved!
  • I just finished my second year toward my doctorate in Psychology (School with cognate in Counseling). I have at least 3 more years until I earn my Ph.D.
    in Ph.D.'s Comment by alc06 June 2012
  • Yesterday I completed Day 1 of Workout 2. I was a little surprised at how different workout 2 felt from workout 1. I guess it's the whole concept of muscle confusion! I won't be able to do a workout today (since I'm gone ALL day on Tuesdays), but I will pick up again tomorrow. I definitely couldn't do all the moves in…
  • Great job! I just started 30 DS this week, and this really gives me the motivation to keep going! :happy:
  • I just did my first day of 30 ds! I talked my husband into doing it with me. We just finished the first workout. He doesn't look so happy right now, but I know he will feel better after a few days! LOL We took photos and before measurements last night. I'm hoping with the support we can make it through :smile:
  • Awesome :heart:
  • Emotional Eater: Very High Big Eater: Moderately Low Addictive Eater: Moderately High Lazy Eater: Moderately Low People Pleaser Eater: Low Control Freak Eater: Moderately High Emotional Eater. Yup, I knew this.
  • None... but I can't say I haven't thought about it. :wink: