amary2 Member


  • You could do a 24 hr fast once a week (after dinner one night until a later dinner the next or some version of that) but this will only work if you don't then gorge the next day and eat 2x as many calories. If you keep your calories the same the other days it can help. Read Eat Stop Eat. I do this occasionally and it works…
  • As annoying it would be for you to not get to watch a tv show each night, I would just put all the TVs away and make sure there is no internet access at night (router). I think the fact that your son is sneaking around at 4:30 AM and doesn't care at all about consequences is a singnal things are out of control and…
  • I am the same way. I have been logging calories on and off for a couple of years and I still don't have a good sense of potion sizes and claories, etc. unless it is foods I eat all the time. My husband on the other hand can estimate the calorie content of any meal within about 50 - 100 calores. I have no idea how he does…