

  • It sounds to me like he is saying to eat the calories calculated from the BMR, and the exercising will take care of burning the calories in order to lose. So, I have to disagree with the guy who said eat your calories back :/...according to the above post, that is! So if your BMR says to eat 1500, then that's what you eat.
  • I add spinach, beets, majool dates sometimes....but it gets to be expensive sometimes, so this is usually my "go to" shake!
  • I have a protein drink every day after my workout. I use vanilla flavored. I add 1 cup of frozen berries, 1 cup UNSWEETENED almond or coconut milk (only 35 calories) and 1 scoop protein powder. You can throw in 1/2 of a banana or even a tsp or two of unsweetened cacao powder as well. Or change it up using different fruits,…