@ beck smith...32? Nice hookah.
Just finished Liars Poker. Great perspective on the financial industry.
I live in a really hot place where the daytime temps reach over 125F with virtually no humidity. I typically try to run about 4 times a week outside early in the morning before the sun rises. Despite my best efforts to consistently run outside, it's sometimes best to hit the gym and run faster and longer. Actually it's…
Why not skim milk?
Establish a charitable trust.
I recently had to have a military dress uniform from 1991...21 years old.....taken in so it would fit. I am in better shape now than when I was 29. This calorie counting application is a remarkable thing.
Congrats on your enlistment! What is your Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)...job? Been in for 25 years....enjoy the ride.
Try to drink a healthy amount of ice water daily. Your body has to heat the water in order to digest it. Also, if you drink ice water before a meal it seems to make one less hungry. Good Luck.
Make sure that when you plan your meals at least half of your plate should consist of fruits and/or vegetables. Good luck.
Great job! Keep up the good work.
Great job! Keep up the good work. You look great,
I Think I just made my diary public. Thanks for the recommendation.