

  • I love Kettle cooked chips! Cannot have them around as I can eat a whole bag at a time. For a while I was counting out the amount for a serving, but most times my hand would go back in the bag. So for me I have given them up. Can't have the sodium either.
  • Thanks, I will try the weight machines at the gym. Hopefully I can start there again after this friday. I so miss it. Was going everyday before the injury. Thanks for the quick response.
  • I am diabetic. Type 2 since 2005, but pre diabetic for several years before being diagnosed for sure. On Metformin only. Have recently lost 12 lbs. and am feeling better. Just had a scare with my heart, had a heart cath. Found a small blockage on backside of heart. On new meds, feeling better now. More energy. So scary!!…