rachborg Member


  • I'm back into logging after having my baby at the end of last year. I need some friends to keep me motivated as I keep dropping back into bad habits and eating quick and easy food which is usually not a good option. My diary is open and am logging all food, water (when I remember!) and exercise. Please add me :)
  • A lot has already been said, so I may be echoing opinions. But I definitely think it's a problem if you're looking to any kind of soft drink for hydration purposes. I rely heavily on water, and have a juice with my meal at night. I'm not a coffee or tea drinker at all (just don't like it) but I will have a coke zero on…
  • Brooke Satchwell (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0766120/). She was on Neighbours, and other Aussie sitcoms. I would get told heaps while she was on Neighbours.
  • I'm facing a similar problem this weekend, I'm going away for 4 days with a group and I know there will be times when fast food is the only option given. So I've done research to find the places with the low calorie options, and have made a list (so that I don't crumble and get that massive Big Mac meal instead!) My advice…
  • Hi, feel free to add me ... I need to be held accountable, and I find when I don't login daily on MFP my weight suffers! I'm 31 from Melbourne - my favourite way to exercise is kickboxing, and body combat classes. I'm trying to lose 10kg to get back to my pre wedding weight :/
  • I've sent in my starting weight, and am ready to go. I need to be held accountable when all I feel like doing is munching down some choccy!