

  • "The chief cause of failure and unhappiness is trading what you want most for what you want right now" — Zig Ziglar
  • Wow, you look fantastic! I read your blog and the part that absolutely astounded me was that your waist measurement now is what your thigh measurement used to be! I've been putting off measuring my various parts because it seems too depressing- but I'd imagine the satisfaction of seeing those numbers change is a great…
  • I'm certainly not an expert but my first week the scale reflected a 7 lb. loss. The following week was a 2 lb. loss. I've had a week or two with a gain also- over time I noticed that it has balanced out to about a 1.5- 2 lb. loss a week. I'd guess that you probably lost a bunch of water weight initially and as long as you…
  • You have done an amazing job! These are my favorite types of posts on here since I have well over 100 lbs to lose and I'm always looking to see pictures of people that have DONE it. It amazes me to see how you are practically swimming in clothing that probably fit you like a glove before. This is the best sort of…
  • I rotate between 3 lunches during the week: 1. Whole wheat pita, sliced cucumbers and black beans with Sabra Supremely Spicy hummus and usually baby carrots on the side. 2. Spring mix salad with craisins, mandarin oranges and goat cheese with balsamic vinaigrette. I usually have a serving of Kashi TLC crackers with this…
  • I really like Sabra brand's Supremely Spicy variety. I put it on a whole wheat pita with sliced cucumber and black beans. It's one of my easiest go-to lunches to take to work. Sounded like a weird combination when I was told about it but I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not a fan of the plain hummus.
  • That is wonderful! I actually heard about this site from JoyFit Club back in August. I have been reading your posts because I do have so much to lose and you are the perfect example of how it can be done! Congratulations to you and thank you for sharing your story so that other folks like myself feel inspired to keep…
  • This is weird but my opinion was that the crazy intense dreams I had were a bonus! I usually don't remember what I've dreamt the night before so being able to recall them was pretty cool to me. I only took the prescription for a month since my insurance didn't cover it but a friend of mine took it and was able to get some…
  • Very interesting stuff. It's just the question I had when I clicked on the board. I guess I will just keep an eye on it and see what works best for me over time.
  • LOL GorillaNJ that was great diet advice in the '80's!
  • I quit 4 years ago by using Chantix. I never thought I would ever be able to quit my pack a day habit after smoking for 13 years. I had tried patches, gum and cold turkey methods prior to getting the prescription but failed miserably each time. I was pretty cranky and confrontational for a few days and then I got really…
  • Losing 20 lbs and fitting into your jeans again is a wonderful accomplishment! My fiance and I are both working on becoming healthy together and sometimes while encouraging/motivating each other one or the other of us has said something less than tactful. I know that I'm personally more sensitive to comments that call me…
  • Wow! That's an amazing photo! I really needed the inspiration today so thank you for sharing it. Congratulations on your weight loss success!
  • I was told a few weeks ago that I am pre-diabetic or insulin resistant. I'm already on the right track by continuing to lose weight, watch what I eat and exercise but the doctor prescribed Metformin. I noticed that I'm less hungry when I take it before dinner as she instructed me to do. I'm not sure if that is a side…