

  • I quit smoking almost 4 months ago now, and yeah its hard. I used an e ciggarette but after 3 weeks i found i no longer needed it, I had my partner for support and we have both quit together The hardest is going to BBQs and drinking outside because you just feel like your forgetting something, and its a ciggarette thats…
  • Id rather do anything else than core muscle exercises. I must have a really weak core, because situps/crunches/planks (even ones on a swiss ball) make me want to cry lol Are there any enjoyable core muscle exercises out in existance??
  • Ive gone through and added some horse riding activities, just search for Horse Riding - the calories burnt are based on a 155lb person, which is close enought for me. Ive added walk, trot, canter/gallop, and jumping :) I agree with you though about dressage work - legs feel the burn! I got the info here…
  • Thanks everyone :D Ill have to track down some photos!