

  • I love MFP. Im not new to the app but new to the message boards. Good luck on your weight loss journay. Cutting our soda and sweets has helped me. I also reduce the amount of processed foods (still working on this one but huge progress). Good luck.... O yeah...Move move move!
  • Hello my name is Bethany. I have not only been diagnosed with R.A. but I also suffer from Crohns and Vasculitis or Erythema Nodosum (their not which lab and docs keep going back and forth). I was actually diagnosed with Crohns first back in 1997 and the other autoimmune disorders decided to join their friend after that :).…
  • I am new to this board. I have crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, and the onset of osteoporosis. I am only 35. I have gained 65lbs from various medications )steroids) and I HAVE to lose this weight so I can feel like me again. I have been walking 2 miles a day Hoping this will help. Does anyone else walk 2 miles day and have…
  • I have crohns (that is where my weight gain came from - prednisone). I am now heavier than ever after being really thin, I weigh 215 yuk! But any way. For me, tuna is great and so is yogurt and jello. Since I have been on remicade, I am able to eat pretty much whatever...another cause for weight gain. Fish does seem to be…
  • Add me as a friend...I need someone motivational and someone that will stay on me LOL.