

  • That may be, but I've always had problems getting those kinds of headphones to fit snugly in my ears. And honestly, that's what really makes or breaks the whole swimming with music experience IMO. A mp3 player is a mp3 player when you're just going to use a playlist or shuffle. If the headphones don't fit and seal... it…
  • Here's an off brand:
  • I wouldn't trust it for my phone. I would suggest a waterproof case for a shuffle: I'm not suggesting buying it from that site, just an idea of what to look for. I have an Aquabeat too. The player itself is 'ok', but I never could…
  • One thing I've found is you get what you pay for. Quality poly suits from Speedo, Areana, Tyr are going to cost more than some of the lesser known brands, but with proper care seem to hold up better. When I started back I went with a cheap Dolphin suit from Swimoutlet. While the suit itself is still ok, the legs no longer…
  • Yards. Short course 25 yard pool. Total 1800 yards, 72 single laps. It's something I've worked up to. I only have a fixed period of time to swim because I have to get the kids to school, workout, and get to work. So, I started low and have steadily increased the yardage as my stamina has gotten better and I've lost weight.…
  • 30 Min workout 10 sec rest between parts: 200 Free 100 Breast 5 x 100 IM (Fly, Back, Breast, Free) 100 Breast 200 Free 100 Free kick w/fins 100 Fly kick w/fins 100 Free kick w/fins 100 IM(Fly, Back, Breast, Free) 100 Free 100 Breast 100 Free
    in Workouts Comment by IsNull April 2012
  • I started back swimming after some 20 years of being on the bench. I was one of those swim kids that swam year round from 5 - 18. I still maintain a pretty good stroke and turn technique. When I started back I was huffing doing 50 yards free. I have 30 mins 6 days a week before work and other things to get my workout in.…
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