evening/night when I leave work around 11pm and I'm tired and stressed I just wanna hit up DD or McD's and 'treat' myself :( Such a hard habit to break!
you look super great!! love your username as well ;)
you look AMAZING!! Thanks for the motivation, and hope you found yours as well :)
great job, you look gorgeous!!
the android app has the bar code scanner :)
the android app has the bar code scanner :)
congrats! I can't wait to get there myself, it's been like 6 years since I was under 200 :(
awesome job! just the motivation I need, I work full time and have 2 kids under 2 but if you can do it so can I :)
Just got her 5really big miles dvd and love it!! totally gets you moving, my baby is 11 weeks old but not sure i would be doing some of these moves just after having a csection, so go you :)
congrats!! it is my ultimate goal to be a runner :)
i use endomondo :)
wow what an amazing transformation!!
1.) How old are your children and how many do you have? (share names if you wish) 2 children: 9weeks old and 21months old. 2.) Will you be planning to have more kids in your future? yup hoping to have 2 more probably but gonna take a lil break :) hopefully 3.) How was your pregnancy/delivery? pregnancies were great,…
first is to get back in my wedding dress :) I was about 20lbs lighter than where I am now but that was also before having 2 babies so we"ll see if it fits again at that weight..
wow you look totally amazing! Thanks for sharing your story and inspiring others!
wow you look amazing! thanks for the inspiration to keep going :) Good luck on the rest of your journey!
congrats! you look amazing :)
awesome! I'm looking forward to getting there myself :)
you are looking awesome! keep it up :)