

  • 1,200 is not enough to support exercise! Give this calculator a shot http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm - note even if you set it to 'Basal Metabolic Rate' (laying in bed all day every day not lifting a finger) it will more than likely show higher than 1,200.
  • First off, fantastic job on noticing a metric other than weight (your clothes fitting better), you just need to recognize the power of it. "Weight" unfortunately has so much power over us because it's so easy to quantify. But really it says nothing about what the weight is composed of. If you're losing inches but your…
  • You haven't said much about your food intake - possible you aren't eating enough? If you're doing anything physical at all, that "1200 calorie minimum" they always state for women just might not be enough. I tried eating 1,800 daily for months and it apparently was not enough (male, 5'11" 274lb) since I also do heavy…
  • Not really - you also have to consider that since muscle rebuilding, which consumes energy, takes place AFTER you leave (when you're asleep/resting days) there's no reliable way to track that. There are some estimates but who knows how accurate. For instance…
  • If you're going to use a tool for keeping track, I'd say track everything. Certainly don't feel guilty about your cheat days - they are an expected part of your plan. But yeah, I log everything without exception personally. -J
  • I think if your gut tells you not to tell certain people you shouldn't. To me that says you know the people around you may be the type that would be more likely to work against you rather than with you. Some friends are supportive no matter what, which keep those around when you find them! Others I think have a fear that…
  • 2lb per week is amazing. Honestly if you are satisfied with how much you eat and are losing 2lb that means you have identified your personal sweet spot. REALLY. It is so easy to get caught up in losing the most "weight" possible that I think many forget that it is difficult to lose more than 2lb of fat per week, which is…
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