hsawtelle Member


  • Are you saying all proteins are more insulinogenic than all carbohydrates? I would read that study with great interest, can you post a link please? Also what would you have had him say about ASP, and how would it prove the rest of the information in the book to be fictional? I look forward to being further educated on this…
  • I probably will once I finish my coffee. This forum reminds me of "Internet Message Board circa 1997." Kind of nostalgic.
  • Care to elaborate?
  • This is incorrect. One does not need to consume even a single gram of carbohydrate to survive. The traditional diet of the Inuit people, for example, contains virtually no carbohydrate for large parts of the year.
  • This is a red herring. Lipid and protein metabolism happens largely within the muscle cells. There are by-products that are handled by enzymes within the liver and/or kidneys (no more "extra work" than your lungs absorbing oxygen or your heart moving your blood -- it is their "job"), and are reintegrated into energy…