jordandroid Member


  • Ahoy hoy. Feel free to add me and hold me accountable! I believe my diary is also open.
  • I started at 330~! And I've lost nearly 40 pounds since April - and I've just started to realise my clothes are getting too big for me now. I've dropped almost two dress sizes in shirts and one in pants. Buuut, I'm a peary-apple shape so bear that in mind. Eventually when they all get too big to wear without looking like…
  • Amazing, amazing, amazing! Your family is beautiful too :) Did you experience any plateaus? My weight loss goal is fairly close to your original goal - how did you beat plateaus if you had them? So inspiring, thank you! xx
  • String cheese! Fruit and veg. Make fruit salad, crudite, eat them on their own, eat them in a soup, eat them in a stew, eat them! Avocado. Add hot sauce, mush it up, spread it on crackers. I don't know if you have them in the states, but Ryvita Thins are AMAZING with some tzatziki. Oats and soy/almond milk is good!…
  • There you go! Fantastic work <3 xxx
  • Everything I eat when eating healthy is stuff I love - no point wasting calories and stomach space and time on preparing a meal I'm reluctant to eat! That said, the big thing I love is cheese. Mozzarella, grated parmesan, cheddar, Port Salut... And bread. I miss sandwiches and slices of baguette! But you know what? It's…
  • I'm real fat and I always feel like I'm 'that girl' at the gym, I work out as hard as I can and try and build a sweat up but it feels like I'm nowhere near good enough to be there. Like yesterday I was on the stationary bike for 15-20 minutes between jogging and towards the end of the workout I had to slow down and stop to…
  • My family (who I have had a difficult relationship with all my life) were disgusted with my body and embarrassed to be seen with me. I left home aged 18 but my grandfather was encouraging me, well, essentially bullying me into seeking information about bariatric surgery. I refused to do something as drastic. Then my…
  • Brilliant advice everybody thank you so much! I just needed to be a big baby with a rattle for a few seconds. Next time I'll exercise self-control and politely decline, store it etc. I get the idea about asking for healthier snacks but it's the first time he's done home-baking so I didn't want to be rude :) It wasn't a…
  • Thank you guys :') All of you are right. It's very easy to feel like it's the end of the world! I've got my trainers on right now, put my hair up and got a coat on. Downloaded the pedometer app for my iPod and I'll come back in a few hours with hopefully a good burn! xxx
  • Fellow front butter here! Not talking from personal experience but from seeing my friends lose weight, it does go back "normally"! If you have a bit of excess skin that may hang down but you can usually tone this away with exercise if you're young. x
  • Name: Jo Age: 20 Height: 5'6" Current Weight: 329 >:( Goal Weight for New Year's Eve: 299 :) Goal Weight Overall: 160 :D LET'S FREAKING DO THIS *Rocky montage*
  • It all looks so good! I'm a proud foodie and I love all of these pics, keep it up! xox
  • You're absolutely gorgeous! Well done you. I'm around your starting weight right now, but about four or five inches shorter, so I am looking at your mid-way point in these photos and imagining what it'd be like to be that weight. I can't even fathom it right now but you're showing everybody that it's do-able! I'm inspired…
  • In the UK it's in March! And some places don't even celebrate it at all :O