Squeaks1977 Member


  • I had the sleeve done 11/17/16 and to date have dropped 70lbs. My first week was tough because of trying to hold down liquids. Even though I loved my protein shakes after surgery it was just too sweet. But after the first week and my stomach was more healed I was able to start holding down liquids. Especially hot liquids.…
  • The biggest thing is exercise! I'm on a 1540 intake and I exercise 5 days a week a minimum of 30 mins. I've been losing 1 1/2 to 2 lbs a week. What I try to do is eat my calorie intake and not dip into the extra the exercise adds to it. So without going into the calories you burn your able to lose that much a week. I…
  • Welcome aboard!! You can do it and you have all our support! These people are very encouraging and motivating. If your down we will lift you up and if your up we keep cheering you on! :-)
  • Keep up the great job! It does get easier as you go and it helps to have supportive friends and family!
  • I'm new to the site and I have my own mother to thank! I look forward to getting acquainted with everyone and have a support system as well. I need to lose about 120 lbs but my first goal is 25 lbs. I'm doing them in small amounts so it doesn't seem so overwhelming! Feel free to add me. I also have the app for my phone so…